NCCE Holds Police/Community Dialogue To Build Trust And Cooperation

In efforts to strengthen community ties and foster cooperation and trust among the Kwasibourkrom community and the police service, the Jaman south NCCE Directorate organized a police/community dialogue session on 2nd July, 2024 at the forecourt of the Kwasibourkrom chief palace. The programme brought together stakeholders, including traditional and political leaders, the police, and community members, to discuss concerns and propose solutions to promote peace and security.

Addressing the community members, Mr. Emmanuel Oduro, the municipal director of Jaman south NCCE said, the police/community dialogue session was part of the NCCE/EU project on Preventing and Containing Violent Extremism in Ghana. He added that the programme aims to create a platform for community members to interact with the police to boost trust and confidence.

Mr. Oduro stated that though Ghana has a relatively stable security institutions, it is still prone to extremist activities and thus requires the community to play a partnership role with security agencies by reporting suspicious activities and offering important insights about potential threats.

Chief Inspector Mark Kwabena Okyere spoke to the people on building trust and cooperation between the police and community members. He stated though the service is fraught with logistical challenges, the police service is committed to fighting against the activities of extremist groups. Addressing some of the problems and misconceptions expressed by the public with regard to the police, he urged them to report any unprofessional conduct of officers to help protect the integrity of the institution. As we prepare for the general elections, he reiterated that Ghana police service is ready to serve and protect the public from any form of threats.

Asking the public on “whose business it is to secure and protect Ghana," he stated that the responsibility does not only lie at the doors of the police but also greatly depends on the assistance of community members. Chief Inspector Okyere urged the public to ensure effective policing by divulging relevant information to the police for prompt action.

Also speaking at the Durbar ground was Mr. Prince Asamoah of the Jaman South Municipal Assembly. He informed the community members of the Assembly's readiness to ensure the safety of the people and educated them on some of the bye-laws implemented by the Assembly. He urged the people to inform them of suspicious characters in their Community for prompt action by the police. He again urged them to be watchful of people that comes into their community, especially landlords renting houses to aliens. They should do due diligence before renting out their houses.

Nana Amparbeng Kyeremeh, the Kyidomhene of Kwasibourkrom community, welcomed the message from the NCCE and the police. He urged the public, especially the youth, to be on the lookout and report any individuals who offer them money to disrupt the peace and security in the community. He bemoaned the use of hard drugs among the youth and advised them to stay away from drugs in order to be beneficial members of society.

Source: trendingghana


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