File your tax returns to avoid penalties - NCCE sensitises Dodoikope, Lakeside Community

Tax compliance is vital for the economic development of Ghana, therefore, the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) in collaboration with the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) has called on the Drivers Union/Traders to play their roles in the nation's economic framework by filing their tax returns.

Elizabeth Wottuomo, NCCE educated the public on what makes one a good citizen and how one can become a citizen of Ghana, elaborating on the duties of good citizens. She admonished citizens to participate in civic activities such as voting, protecting public property such as roads, obeying the laws of Ghana and protecting the supreme law, protecting and preserving the environment for future generations and paying their taxes. She emphasized that citizens are expected to contribute financially to the state by paying their taxes to foster development for all in the country (Article 41j, the 1992 Constitution).

Mr John Bentil from GRA Custom Division spoke on the duties of the Ghana Revenue Authority which include; ensuring maximum compliance with tax law, protecting/patrolling the borders of Ghana to ensure paid duties on goods imported into the country/combating smuggling, ensuring safe borders to prevent cross border robberies and promoting trade facilitation. He further educated participants on the types of taxes the citizens are expected to pay. This includes; Value Added Tax (VAT) which is normally issued by wholesalers to retailers, he urged all to take VAT receipts to validate their goods, filing procedures (how to file tax returns and the importance of maintaining accurate records), penalties for non-compliance (consequences of tax Evasion and late payments).

Mr. Eric Dodzi from GRA Domestic Division sensitised participants on the role their Division plays which is to collect income tax from business establishments such as stores. He explained that income tax is levied from income generated by individuals and businesses within their jurisdiction. Also, he elaborated on the uses of tax which include national development projects improving the overall infrastructure and economy, payment of government workers, etc. GRA has put systems in place for citizens to easily pay their taxes through mobile money and other electronic payment methods. Payment, he said, can be done quarterly, semi-annually or annually in line with citizen’s affordability. All payments come with receipts for citizens and GRA. He entreated participants to keep records of their businesses as it helps in the accuracy of tax payment amounts.

He added that, as a citizen, your contribution to the nation's development through tax compliance is invaluable. By understanding and fulfilling your tax obligations, you help build a better Ghana with improved infrastructure, services, and economic stability. The Ghana Revenue Authority is committed to supporting the public through education and resources to ensure citizens can meet their tax responsibilities efficiently.

Mr. Eric Dodzi-GRA Domestic Division sensitizing participants on income Tax and benefits of tax

Mr. John Bentil-GRA Custom Division educating participants on duties of GRA and types of Taxes


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