NCCE Ekumfi District commemorates launching of the Citizenship Week Celebration (cwc) and The African Union Day

In accordance with the Commission’s annual flagship programmes, the Ekumfi NCCE office launched the CWC 2024 in collaboration with Attakwa T.I Ahmadiyya Basic School and Otabanadze D/A Basic School and also commemorated the African Union Day.

The programme was held at the premises of the Attakwa T.I Ahmadiyya Basic School in the Ekumfi District.

In attendance were, the District Director of NCCE, staff of the Commission, teachers from various schools. Hon. Ebenezer Monney, District Chief Executive of Ekumfi District (DCE) was also present to grace the occasion as the main speaker and special guest of honor.

The Director gave an introductory speech on the history and essence of the Citizenship Week celebration. Ms Cecilia Dam encouraged the teachers and pupils to be ambassadors for peace, the 1992 Constitution and for Ghana especially during this election year by advocating to their peers and the community the culture of political tolerance and peaceful coexistence. She said, the goal of Citizenship Week Celebration is to remind pupils of their responsibilities and to inculcate the spirit of good citizenship in them. she underscored the fact that, although we have patrons for the Civic Education Club, she petitioned the DCE to be an external patron for the Civic Education Clubs in both schools.

Hon. Ebenezer Monney, the main speaker and special guest of honor gave a brief history of the African Union and highlighted the duties of a citizen as stipulated in Chapter six (6), Article 41 of the 1992 Constitution of Ghana. He further encouraged the pupils to engage in extracurricular activities that promote good citizenship. He also accentuated the fact that these extracurricular activities will help them become responsible citizens in future. He concluded by appreciating the commission and the schools for putting up such a wonderful and insightful programme to enlightened children to become good and responsible citizens.

A group picture taken after the launching of the citizenship week celebration programme

Middle, Hon. Ebenezer Monney (District Chief Executive of Ekumfi District, next to him on the right is Madam Cecilia Dam (NCCE District Director), staff of NCCE and teachers of both schools (Attakwa T.I Ahmadiyya Basic School and Otabanadze D/A Basic School)

Madam Cecilia Dam (NCCE District Director), delivering a speech at the launch of the CWC 2024 and commemoration of the African Union Day. FRIDAY 24/05/2024


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