We have nowhere to run to if disaster strikes - Rev Father

Gakli (VR), Sept. 29, GNA - Rev Fr Oscar W.O Kuebutornye of Saint Paul’s Senior High School in the Ketu South Municipality has called on citizens to tolerate one another to keep the peace and unity in the country.

He said having the understanding and remaining united even in their diversity would avoid the dangers of a disunited country, including activities of violent extremism and terrorism which could spell doom for Ghana.

Rev Fr Kuebutornye made the call at a town hall meeting on national cohesion and inclusive participation in governance organised by the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) at Gaklikope in the Ketu South Municipality.

He said there should be no motivation for the residents to radicalise and join extremist groups that would disturb the country’s peace.

“We’ve nowhere to run to if disaster strikes. We’re surrounded by countries experiencing one form of disturbance or another and we happen to be providing refuge to citizens of those countries. It is understanding that is holding us together. Let’s bear with each other for peace. We must identify that despite all our ethnic, religious and political differences, we’re one people with a common destiny."

He stressed the need to deal with misunderstandings and divisions swiftly and shun violent extremists and their views, citing the case of “Western Togoland” and “Western Togoland Restoration Front” groups which caused disturbances in the region a year ago.

Rev Fr Kuebutornye suggested that instead of the people looking on their challenges, it was important to among others, strive for decent work, quality education with a focus on skills training and religious tolerance for peace and be mindful that disturbing the peace and unity would apart from conflict, make the country unattractive to foreign and local investment, affecting the development process.

Mad Evelyn Klokpodzi, Municipal Director, NCCE said the NCCE/National Security campaign to educate the citizenry, particularly those in at-risk communities on their civic rights and obligations was to empower them to stand for peace and national cohesion.

“As we’re all aware, no amount of money can buy peace. When people live together in peace, there is harmony, tranquillity, quietness and love.”

Mr Kenneth Kponor, Regional Director of NCCE, said, “as a Commission, we can’t wait for things to go bad” hence, the campaign to expose the citizenry to the current security threats and the implications for the country at large and called on all to be alert in their communities for that was the only way to “fish out extremists and save Ghana and her people from violent extremists.”

Mr Gabriel Ayitey, Assemblyman for the area, was grateful for the choice of his Electoral Area for the meeting and promised to ensure that the message get to those who could not participate in the meeting for the needed impact.

Source: GNA (https://www.gna.org.gh/1.21208395)

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