NCCE Yunyoo-Nasuan District sensitises on collaboration with the Police to promote peace

The Yunyoo-Nasuan district of the NCCE, North East region, has organised a community dialogue with the police as part of the Preventing and Containing Violence Extremism project, which took place at the Nasuan Chiefs Palace. The District Commander was represented by Corporal Hamidu Abdul Aziz, who took the community through a series of lectures on citizens' relationship with the Police and how citizens should build trust for them to volunteer information to make the District and the country as a whole safe. The Police encouraged the community to be cautious of people with suspicious characters and report them to the Police for further investigation.

The second resource person was a civilian and headmaster of Nasuan Senior High School, Mr James Wajar. He encouraged citizens not to see the Police as their enemies but as partners to protect them. The NCCE Regional Director, Wilberforce Zangina added that participants take the programme seriously. He also reminded participants to collaborate with the Police to make the coming elections peaceful.


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