NCCE, National Security promote national cohesion

Koforidua, Oct. 24, GNA - The National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) in collaboration with the Ministry of National Security has organized a town hall meeting on national cohesion and inclusive participation at Two Streams in the New Juaben South Municipality.

Ms Kathleen Addy, Deputy Chairperson, Finance and Administration at NCCE said stakeholders and individuals have a role to play geared towards fostering national cohesion.

She said the youth have an important role to play to ensure the maintenance of peace and security in the country and encouraged participants not to allow themselves to be used by others to create confusion in the country.

"Public and ordinary persons have to work hard for national cohesion to work in the country,” saying, “The country will develop if every individual plays a good role."

She urged individuals to build their trust and identify unusual signals that may lead to violence and against the peace in the country, adding that, individuals should report to authorities as early as possible when they notice anything unusual.

Mr Francis Cobbah, New Juaben South Municipal NCCE Director, said such engagement would give participants skills to avoid violence to effectively and efficiently participate in nation-building which would promote peaceful coexistence, unity, and love for a better Ghana.

"As humans, we will always have our differences but that shouldn’t divide us because we have one Ghana and a common destiny. There are some issues in the country including killing, kidnappings, and arm robbery do not help the development of the country," he said.

Mr Francis Citizen Tetteh, the Assemblymember for Two Streams, a suburb of Koforidua, pleaded with NCCE officials to educate immigration and security officials who were in charge of the country’s land borders especially border areas like the Aflao-Togo border and Elibo-Cote d'Ivoire border to be vigilant and work extra hard.

He noted that terrorists would find it easy to enter the country if the immigration and other security agencies in charge of the borders were not doing their work well which could pose threat to peace and security.
Source: GNA (

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