South Dayi NCCE addresses Inter-Party Dialogue Committee ahead of 2024 Elections

Members of the South Dayi Inter-Party Dialogue Committee (IPDC) have met with the District Office of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE). The Committee was charged to swiftly respond to election-related issues in order to prevent issues from degenerating into conflicts.

The 27-member Committee with representatives from the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ), the Ghana Police Service, the Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS), the National Democratic Congress (NDC), the National Patriotic Party (NPP), the Liberal People of Ghana (LPG) parties, some Traditional Authorities, the Electoral Commission (EC), some Non-Governmental Organisations and Persons Living with Disabilities (PWDs), Youth and Women groups, among others was reconstituted and inaugurated at Kpeve in the South Dayi District of the Volta Region.

Mr. Mathias Segbefia, the South Dayi District Director, NCCE, sensitised the Committee members and tasked them to educate the public against disinformation and misinformation as matters to be avoided to ensure peace in the country before, during and after the December 7 polls.

He also educated members on the Code of Conduct to guide political parties on the Vigilantism Act, 2019 (Act 999).

The South Dayi District Police Commander, Supt. Harry Selormey urged the political party members, followers, agents, actors and assigns to adhere to the electoral regulations for peace to prevail in the country.

Mr. Oral-Robert Amenyo, Deputy Volta Regional Director, NCCE, advised the Committee members to be apolitical in their dealings with the aggrieved parties.

He said their role was to foster peace between conflicting parties, but not to take sides.

The political party members present affirmed their commitment to peace in the District, before, during and after the December 7 polls.

Mr. Wellington Elupeju, the Presiding Member for South Dayi District Assembly was the Chairman for the occasion.


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