Nsawam Adoagyiri NCCE sensitize political parties to be committed to peace in 2024 presidential and parliamentary elections

The Nsawam Adoagyiri Municipal Directorate of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) in the Eastern Region has organized an Inter-party Dialogue Committee meeting on 30th August, 2024, to conscientize political parties activists to be committed to peace in the 2024 general elections.

The engagement involved the Nsawam Adoagyiri Municipal Coordinating Director, Nsawam Police Command, NIB Officer, Officers from Nsawam Prison Service and Fire Service, Officers from Nsawam Office of the Electoral Commission, Chairman of the local council of Churches, representatives from the Political parties, representatives from the Traditional and Muslim council, representatives from FAWE FM, Passion TV and other members of the IPDC.

In a welcome address by the Municipal Director of NCCE, Mr. Emmanuel Otoo said, in most cases in Ghana's electioneering period, vigilantism groups springs up, and because it has never been well with us, as Ghanaians, the IPDC has a major role to monitor and resolve cases of breach of rules and regulations relating to the conduct of elections.

Mr. Emmanuel Otoo said the NCCE will continue to educate the public on misinformation, disinformation and fake news, which often create Political tension.

DSP Stephen Dapaah, at Nsawam Police Command, in his presentation on Public Order Act, advised the Political parties to notify the Police before embarking on any Political party rallies or campaigns. He admonished them from the use of intemperate and defamatory language, often exhibited in activities of some Political parties.

He said, when a date schedule for Political activity coincides with other Political party's activity, they must agree with the Police to reschedule the activity, to avert unforeseen chaos.

The Officer from Nsawam office of the Electoral Commission, Mr. Addin William, said electoral violence is perpetrated by Political parties activists, and in most cases, the end result is horrible. If something went wrong at a pooling station, they must follow procedures for redress, rather than taking the laws into their own hands and act violently.

The Nsawam Adoagyiri Municipal Coordinating Director, Mr. Jeremiah Amoafo, entreated the Political parties representatives, to carry message of peace to their supporters and educate their members, as necessary, to post their Party posters. He added, "you must seek permission from individual property owners, especially where the property has been labelled post-no bill"

The chairman of the IPDC, Rev. S. K Worlanyo, encouraged representatives of the Political parties to adopt and stick to peaceful campaign devoid of provocative, abusive and intemperate language to ensure peace in the upcoming Presidential and Parliamentary elections.

The Eastern Regional director of the National Commission for Civic Education, Miss Ophilia Ankrah, charged the IPDC members to take their task seriously, by constantly engaging the required stakeholders to ensure peace in the upcoming elections.

The deputy regional director of NCCE, Mr. Augustine Bosrosti, advised party representatives to work hard to consolidate the peace we have in Ghana, as no amount of money can import peace.

Representatives of the Political parties unanimously pledged to be committed and abide by all the electoral rules to ensure peace, in the 2024 Presidential and Parliamentary elections.


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