NCCE staff announce indefinite strike from Sept. 18

The Divisional Executive Council (DEC) of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), part of the Public Services Workers’ Union of TUC (Ghana), has declared an indefinite strike set to begin on Wednesday, September 18.

The decision is in reaction to the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission’s (FWSC) failure to resume negotiations after a seven-day ultimatum issued by the union during their last meeting.

Rebecca Colecraft, the Divisional Chairperson, stated that the union submitted proposals for negotiating allowances for NCCE staff to the FWSC in May 2023. Despite numerous reminders, the FWSC did not engage in discussions until July 23, 2024, following the initial proposal.

“The rules of engagement were discussed on May 6, 2024, but our request for a timeline was denied. By September 4, 2024, it was evident that the FWSC was not negotiating in good faith and was employing delay tactics,” the statement noted.

The union criticized the ongoing delays and the FWSC’s actions, asserting that this has exacerbated the difficulties faced by their members.

Full statement.

Source: 3news


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