The Kpone Katamanso Municipal Office (Oyibi Sub Office) of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), as part of its annual Constitution/Citizenship Week Celebration, has organised an educational trip for one hundred and five (105) pupils of Saasabi KKMA Basic and Junior High School in Accra over the weekend.

The trip took the pupils to three (3) historical sites in the Greater Accra Region, namely the National Museum, Adabraka, the Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park as well as the Christiansborg Castle, Osu also made brief stops at some government offices and landmarks so the pupils could familiarise themselves with the locations of these places. Some of these places included; the NCCE Head office, 37 Military Hospital, Jubilee House, Former President J.J. Rawlings’ residence, the Greater Accra Regional Hospital, Electoral Commission, the Accra Psychiatric Hospital, the Accra Metropolitan Assembly Head office, Economic and Organised Crime Office (EOCO) and Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ). Others were the Old and current Parliament House, the High Court, Bank of Ghana, the Art Centre, Independence Square, the spot of the Christiansborg crossroad shooting incident and the burst of the three (3) ex-servicemen (Sargent Adjetey, Corporal Attipo and Private Odartey), Asomdwe Park, the Ohene Djan Sports Stadium, the Military Cemetery and the Accra Conference Centre.

Salvata M.Koku, Senior Civic Education officer facilitating the trip said the essence of the trip was to let the pupils have firsthand information about the history and cultural heritage of Ghana, as well as the hard work of our forebears in our independence struggle.

The first point of call for the trip was the National Museum. There the pupils were educated on the history behind the various relics in the gallery. Among some of the interesting things displayed at museum were Dr. Kwame Nkrumah’s Presidential seat, the various types of articles used as modes of trade before the used of currency as legal tender. Various types of sharp stones as cutting implements as well as our cultural diversity. Last but not the least, Dr Nkrumah’s official vehicle riddled with bullet holes signifying the many attempts on his life.

At Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park, our second point of call, the pupils learnt about Nkrumah’s ideologies, quotes, achievements, as well as had the chance to see some of his memorabilia (His books, garment, bed, chest box and writing desk to name a few).

Finally, at the Christiansborg Castle, the pupils had a lot to learn so far as the history of Ghana was concerned. From when the castle was built, its transition to different nationals, the hosting of slaves in the castle at a point in time during the slave trade, the dungeons, point of no return, former President J.J Rawlings’ office, the Catholic church, underground water reservoir, the governor’s bed, not forgetting the sheer size of the castle, the protection it gave to its occupants and the various parts of it.


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