Let us all help in the fight against corruption – Regional Minister

Kumasi, July 27, GNA – Mr. Simon Osei Mensah, Ashanti Regional Minister, has called for a concerted effort to fight corruption which was fast draining the nation’s coffers.

He said corruption was a hindrance to national development and it was important for all to be alert and wake up to their responsibilities for the protection of the national purse.

Speaking at a stakeholders’ forum on the National Anti-Corruption Action Plan (NACAP)/Accountability, Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption Programme in Kumasi, Mr. Osei Mensah, stressed the need for everybody to be steadfast and take actions that would help stop the canker in order to save resources for national development.

The forum was organized by the Ashanti Regional office of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) with support from the Regional Coordinating Council (RCC) as part of the NACAP/ARAP implementation process in the Region.

NACAP was adopted in 2014 for implementation by stakeholders, including public, private as well as NGOs and other interested institutions to properly coordinate and improve the fight against corruption in the country.

Mr. Osei Mensah reiterated that the President had demonstrated greater determination to the fight against corruption by setting up the Office of the Special Prosecutor to complement the work of other anti-corruption agencies in the country.

It was important for all to support the President to kick against corruption, which had become a national burden, he said.

Mr. Osei Mensah challenged the public service to heed the clarion call by President for all Ghanaians to work towards achieving “Ghana Beyond Aid, by desisting from corrupt practices and work towards the goal, since it was achievable.

The Minister was optimistic that with stringent and effective implementation of the punishment code prescribed for corrupt officials, the menace would be curbed.

Mr. Raphael Arthur Wilson, Ashanti Regional Director of NCCE, said the Commission sees NACAP be an effective tool to combat corruption, hence their reason for rolling out the ARAP.

He implored everybody to assist in the fight against corruption by exposing and reporting offenders.


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